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Hey there Mr Anonymous! this is she, the she you have always been yearning for, the she you have reminded God about occasionally, the she you anticipate to do forever with, the she you always picture in your mind, the she you always wonder how she looks, the she you yearn to do life with,…


I gave you the most precious part in me,i reasurred myself how much worthy you were, you promised to handle each piece of it dilligently, never did i doubt any single bit about your capability, you awakened the freezed bits in me! you rekindled the fire that was already off, you were my God sent…


i wish you cared, just like I wish I was cared for! I wish you looked at me, just like I wished you would ever look at me! i wish you held my hand, just like I held your’s! I wish you felt the same way, just like I wish you’d have felt! i wish…

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